31 Years in 31 Flavors

June 25, 1977 at 6:19pm, I came into this world. Looking back over the last 31 years, I can think of event that stands out from each year. These are a reflection of my life; they run a gamut of emotions, memories and sentiments. These are my life in 31 flavors:

If you care to read on, great... If not, I hope you have as many wonderful experiences as I have had in my 31 years. Enjoy life!

1- Spoiled by my Maw-Maw and a daddy's girl
2- Sister, Kelly, born on my 2nd birthday! cute birthday present, but she didn't mind me and
sometimes I wanted to exchange her ;)
3- Started taking dancing... quickly grew to LOVE ballet (and still do)
4- Loved ballet, won many pageants
5-Bad year... bad things began
6- Sister, Kayla, was born on my mom and dad's anniversary
7- Played baseball with the boys team
8- Mom sick while pregnant, first ballet solo
9- Sister, Kora, was born two days before my daddy's birthday
10-Sang in public for the first time at a festival
11-Learned to play clarinet, parents separated, bad Oct.
12-Had my first summer crush on a girl, parents divorced, learned how to drive
13- Began singing specials in church regularly, 1st boyfriend... discovering that's not for me,
crush on a female teacher
14- 1st year in marching band, learned more instruments, daddy had heart attack and was very
sick, met my favorite teacher- Mrs. Jacques
15- Daddy heart transplant, got 'saved', student government, active at school & church
16- lived with best friend's family, missed my mom and sisters, but did not fit in
17- drum major in high school band, won awards, graduated high school
18- dean's list first semester college, daddy died, no more dean's list, questioning sexuality
19- depression, suicidal ideation, grades dropped, met bff Steph, came out to friends
20- stopped going to school, went on tour with Continentals, came out to family
21- began a new risky job, made first real money, began photography hobby, 1st nephew born,
Mom and Kora in motorcycle wreck.
22- began taking pics for money, modeling, taking photography in school
23- moved to Chicago, worked as a flight attendant, traveled Ctrl & Sth Am. & tropics
24- bad experience in Chicago, moved back to La, 9/11 happened... world changed...
25- Brandon was born.... life changer! Went back to school, got my pilot's license
26- Had the best time of my life while Brandon was small... love him like my own child
27- Met the love of my life, learned about opera, started at UH, felt alive again like I hadn't since Daddy died
28- Got engaged, learned French, studied art, psychology major, things great in our little house
on Driscoll. Great year!
29- Graduated from Univ. Houston, BA Psychology, Minor Studio Art.
30- Began grad school at UHCL, MS Counseling program, didn't work out, switched to current
school in KY, and adjusted.
31- Enjoying life, well adjusted, amazing extended family, wonderful relationship. Life is grand.

I can't wait to see what's next. I have learned to take what I can from the good and the bad. Learn from my failures and thank God for the blessings!


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