Focus on LOVE... put away anger and fear

Today while I was out with some friends at a Pride celebration, I had a flash of anger and fear toward someone who rode his bike through our family friendly and gay friendly festival. He rode through slowly, yelling at the top of his lungs saying things like "all 'a yaw nee da pray fa mercy own ya soes". In his less than eloquent manner of speaking, he saw fit to instruct us (the entire park full of people around him) that we were "headed fa hell if yaw keep dis up".

Sometimes, I get mad at myself for the way I react to such things. I get mad at people's stupidity, ignorance, insensitivity, and overall inappropriate words and actions~ especially toward people that are complete strangers to them. I get mad at myself for the sinking fear that punctures my gut; I get angry at the person for attempting to ruin a perfectly good day with friends; I get angry at myself for not speaking up or confronting the person; I get mad at the world. I get mad at society for how it is taught people that they can be the judges of other people. I get afraid for my safety and afraid that I won't be able to protect myself and my friends from this potential threat.

Not ten minutes after I encountered this individual on the bike, I was getting a soda at the stand near the outter edge of the park when I noticed the next "intrusion". Picketers were now circling the park where Pride was being held. (The crowd consisting of young and old, babies, toddlers, young children, tweens, teens, parents, grandparents, gays, lesbians, straights, bisexuals, transgenders, and anyone else who wanted to join in. This was a peaceful, fun, laid-back festival up to this point.... and it was again after they left, but it stayed with me. Things that I believe are unjust often to stay with me.)

These picketers were carrying signs, crosses, banners, and were inflicting a religious message at the crowd. Yelling "Jesus loves you. Repent and turn" was supposed to somehow affect the people who are well aware of what the religious world thinks of them. I, for one, am well aware of what some Christians believe regarding homosexuality. I understand they believe that they are somehow helping my community, the gay community, by protesting everything we stand for and picketing at every event we sponsor.

Why is it that people can't just live and let live, or live and let love? That's what we are talking about here.... people objecting to love and using God's word to back it up. In my opinion, that is ludicrous.

I am a Christian and I have been in church since I was born. Even as a little kid we're taught that God is LOVE and LOVE is of God. My only argument is - If God is LOVE and LOVE is OF God, then how can my love be wrong? Why is it that people constantly try to convince, persuade, force, manipulate and scare others into believing what they believe, when their actions seem to be in direct contrast to what they claim to believe. I go to church. I pray. I believe. And, I know what the Bible says.

Seeing the picketers/protestors walk around the perimeter chanting things at us really upset me. I want to go over and stop them. Stand in front of them and try to explain why they should stop marching and come over and join the party.

*I want to explain to them that I love my partner just as they love the person who they have been allowed to marry.

*I want to explain that I see my future they way they see theirs... growing old with the one I love and looking for ways to do good to benefit the world and others.

*I want to explain that I DO know Jesus. I have for many years.

*Althought I have hundreds of questions for Him when I get to Heaven, I know that I am a child of God and I KNOW that I know that I know... beyond a shadow of a doubt.... that I am God's creation, that He LOVES me as I AM and that I will join HIM in Heaven when I die.

*I want to explain to these people, who believe that they are somehow better than me because they were born straight, that I was BORN this way... I AM GAY. I am happy. I am me.

*I believe. I work. I cry. I think. I live. I breathe. I bleed. I laugh. I hurt. I wish. I need. I feel.... just like they do. I am NO different.

It's about time all of this back and forth "fighting for souls" business stops. The only people who need to worry about fighting for their soul are those who choose to use God's name to spread HATE.
God is LOVE. People bring HATE, unacceptance, evil, bickering, pain, fear, threats and sorrow. Let's put a stop to it! Focus on LOVE.


Anonymous said…
That is so beautiful..made me cry! You are awesome and never let anyone make you think otherwise. Yay for love! :)

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