Childhood summers

photo taken by J. Grimes

I remember taking family trips as a child. Rather it was a weekend camping, water-skiing and roasting marshmellows, or a two week long vacation that covered six states and numerous famous national parks, monuments, or natural wonders, these were the best experiences of my childhood. Along with exposing me to many different kinds of people all throughout my childhood, I also developed a great love for traveling and learning about other cultures.

Thanks to my father's vast knowledge, spiced with his line of bull that was always fascinatingly believable and creative, I was always enthralled to know what happened at each site we visited and what the people were like, or why they were "famous" or "infamous". This became the backbone of my interest in history, which begat an interest in anthropology, geology, geography, civics, sociology and psychology. Looking back on my travels with my family and the uninhibited ramblings, trivia and opinions of my dad, I believe that this time in my life greatly affect the person that I am today. I will always be greatful to my parents for making it possible for us to travel to amazing places and have unlimited adventures, although we were on a budget so tight that it would not even be fair to call it a "shoe-string budget". Thanks Mom. And thanks Dad, wherever you are... I hope you are proud of me.

This summer has already been full of adventures for many people I know, and by the end of the summer there will have been many more amazing occurrences and even a few once in a lifetime experiences. Last month, my best friends shared a once in a lifetime experience with their son. Now, I may be biased, but this kid is one amazing little person! He is so smart, funny, charming, and adorable that it makes my heart hurt to think about not seeing him everyday (because he lives in Texas and I don't anymore). But I am so thankful that he has parents who want to show him the world and let him begin experiencing the world through his own eyes. I would imagine, though I have not yet been there myself, that Alaska is a fabulous place to experience at any age. I love you guys and be good to my boy. You ROCK, Brandon!

Traveling is the best way I know of to give your children the whole world.
They will appreciate those experiences for the rest of their lives.

Go on, people! Get out there and see the world with your loved ones!


Unknown said…
It was a WONDERFUL trip. However, I think Brandon just liked throwing rocks in the water the rest was just *yawn* "whatever"...*sigh*...We should have just taken him to Galveston, I think he would have had just as much fun, lol. But we really enjoyed it.

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