Just Another Manic Monday

I'm so glad that my life has resumed a semblance of normalcy.
Things, on the whole, are back as they should be... well mostly.
Ever the cynic I can always find some way that situations could be improved, but at this moment in time I am quite happy with how things are for me.
Loved ones back within arms reach always seem to quiet the soul.

So, where was I? Manic Mondays... ah, yes.
Well, today, like most Mondays was nothing spectacular. The work hours dragged on, with very little actual work to do. I spent most of my dayr reading some backlog of information that I normally keep pretty abreast to, but I'm not sure that cramming it all in within a few hours is the best way to do it. So, in terms of manic.... I guess my mind was functioning in a somewhat manic fashion just trying to take in all the information that I was reading about.
Reading some of this information caused me to go into a slight panic when I realized that the Fall semester would be starting back in a little over a month. I had promised myself that I would relax and enjoy the summer before it slipped away, but here we are mid-July and I haven't felt completely relaxed yet (lethargic-yes, thanks to medicines, but not exactly relaxed).

I am on my way out the door to check out the only lesbian romance novel that our little conservative town's library has in stock. Maybe it's time for me to donate some of my own books to help this little town's obvious lesbian population have something else to read besides these 200+ pages of a book that was written in 1983. Perhaps my manic Monday will end with the calming effects of another potential favorite novel. (I'm a book addict and a good love story calms me everytime).

If you're looking for something to dive into this summer (a book, not a pool), check out my post of my top 10 favorite novels of all time (well... so far).



Jaime said…
I think it would be a great idea to donate books if you're willing to part with them. They need more diveristy in the library. I don't know which one you're talking about though. The Rowan, Morgan, or MSU library. MSU is pretty good about purchacing books that have been requested by students, staff and faculty. They'd be even more likely if a group of students requested them. Maybe that's a project you could take on with ALLYance!

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