Keira Knightly, You Go Girl!

This beautiful woman who has portrayed so many amazing characters, turns out to be a pretty amazing character herself (in real life). She bravely stood up to the 'movie gods' who wanted to increase her bust-line to help increase their bottom-line. (Watch the video-
She is perfect just as she is, plus she is an incredible actress and in my opinion has a captivating presence on film... would two cup sizes really change any of that? Newsflash: NO! Keira Knightly is perfect just the way she is. (If they think she is 'imperfect', I wonder how much plastic surgery or digital editing they would think I need...?)
This is a great wake up call to women and young girls everywhere. Society is so focused on superficiality, that a woman's looks are of the utmost importance almost every time. In this instance, Kiera refused to allow the digital alterations be done in her new movie "Dutchess", declaring that her body is fine just as it is. How could ANYONE argue with that? The fact that she has not had implants to have a 'box office bust' is more than refreshing... it's necessary for one woman of power to stand up and say ENOUGH. Enough focus on a woman as only a sum of her body parts. Hopefully people will see into this powerful refusal as a sign that women CAN be happy with themselves.... just as they are. We should all be glad that someone in Hollywood finally realized that... maybe Keira will spread the word and others who agree will take the stand with her. You go girl--> I'm behind you 100%!
YOU are worth more than the sum of your parts.